
Conversations with Chris Moore, IMS Manager

What is your role at Binah?

I’m the IMS manager. IMS is the core system of our company that identifies and unifies processes. It creates a rigid alignment for the entire team.

Within the IMS systems, I monitor the construction safety and quality. Part of my role is ensuring the compliance of our sites with our subcontractors, and internal teams.

Tell us about the Safety Shield Initiative?

In mid-2018 the Binah Safety Shield was introduced to highlight site safety requirements and create an award incentive for construction teams to become advocates for compliance. The scheme is built around a comprehensive safety checklist that not only demands WHS and industry compliance; it also goes a step further to encourage and celebrate positive attitudes and efficient site processes for managing safety.

What does a monthly safety audit entail?

A monthly audit involves visiting each site and following a strict criteria which covers every aspect of our compliance and regulatory obligations. I use software to record my observations. I visit every level of each site talking to all trades and checking all paperwork.  I’m not a clipboard warrior as I believe in forming good relationships and having inclusive conversations with all the teams so we can work together to create a safe working environment. With this open level of communication, the teams know they know they can approach me in and out of work hours if they have any concerns.

How do you action discrepencies?

Any issues that are identified are recorded in our Hammertech software which creates a report for the site teams. From there, any concerns can be actioned swiftly by the individuals.

But most importantly, if I were to find a hazard on site – I wouldn’t leave that location until it is resolved.

Can any team member approach you if they have concerns?

Absolutely! Team members can approach me in and out of work hours. Allowing the team to speak freely is a very important part of my role. This can be in relation to site health, physical health and mental health concerns. In relation to construction safety and quality, I have created a project risk register. This live document starts before the project begins and continues until after completion.

When potential risks present themselves, we monitor and log to prevent this type of risk being an issue in the future.

Binah has 3 International Accreditation certificates. Can you tell us about them?

As the governing body of standardisation, the ISO is designed to bring together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

Our teams diligently reviewed, adjusted and recorded our operating and service processes to receive the following three certifications:

  • ISO 9001:2015 Certification for Quality Management System Requirements
  • ISO 45001:2018 Certification for OH&S Management System Requirements
  • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Requirements

How is Binah working towards protecting the environment into the future?

We aim to improve our sustainability processes through the principal use of reduce, reuse, recycle. We identify baseline data through our current systems and continue to reassess our objectives for a more sustainable future.

This year we have partnered with a new waste management provider who specialises in construction recycling and waste management. This will help us monitor and improve processes as we work towards cleaner, greener construction sites.